语言教育2005-12-20 00:00:00未知
B and also it’s about interest『这同样跟兴趣有关』.
N you are correct. If you’ve attained『拥有、获得』 something that people are interested in, that’s why there’s a market value『市场价值』. That’s why they pay you the money to write the book.
B yes, that’s precisely it『是的,的确是这样』. If I write good books and people will come to buy the book, that’s money and bring money to me『如果我写的书不错,人们就会来买,他们花钱了,我也能得到钱』.
N it’s market forces『这是市场力在起作用』.
B yes. that’s the way it works. If you don’t work, you don’t get breakfast『即不劳无获』.
N did it come easily to you? So, in other words, you could make money this way?
B writing is one thing, getting published is another『写书是一回事,能出版是另一回事』.
N yes.
B also I have you as my biggest help.
N no, I am just your friend.
B yes, well, as a matter of fact, you are my biggest help.
N ok.
B and the moment we have right now, sitting here and talking with each other,